
Light Lab Beta Program – Build 4 Release Notes

Light Lab Build 4 provides new features, like Props, as well as internal improvements to help us further develop the software. This article contains information specific to this build, and is subject to change before release.

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You can now add and configure props in your light lab. We currently support a collection of primitive geometry, like spheres, cubes, and tori. We have begun work on allows you to provide custom geometry, as well as adjust the materials that props are made of, but that work is not nearly stable enough to be included in a build, even as part of this beta program. For now, all props will have a white plastic finish.

File Compatibility
Files saved in the previous builds of Light Lab will open, but will not contain any props or fixtures, effectively making those files useless. We are still actively working on the file format to best suit future expansion, and this may not be the last time an update makes files incompatible. Thank-you for your understanding.

File Template
If you create a new file, you will find that now by default you are provided with six fixtures, three in the primaries of red, green, and blue, and three in the secondaries of cyan, magenta, and yellow, allowing for easy observation of additive mixing of light. In the future, there will be numerous template files to choose from for various situations, but for now the single file will have to do. Try adjusting levels and moving lights around to experiment with different real world scenarios. If you are looking for inspiration on some different angles of light you might try, try starting with the 12 standard distributions of light.

Be aware that many facets of this program remain rough and unoptimized. You may find performance to be sub-par on older iPads. This build displays information about the current frame rate along the bottom of the screen. Additionally, those using the macOS build will find a performance penalty since the application is actually being downscaled to 77% before shown on screen.

Color Library
While we currently license colors from Rosco (Roscolux and GAM), Lee, and Apollo for use in Stagehand, we do not hold a license for their use in other applications at this time, and these negotiations will take longer than usual due to the COVID-19 public health crisis. We intend to provide these libraries of color in a future beta.

Camera Controls
The camera in Light Lab is currently controlled using the default iOS system gestures, which are at times intuitive and at other times unfit for their purpose. These will change in a future beta!

What We Currently Model
As you may well be aware, the physics behind light is complicated on a good day. We are attempting to, to the best of our ability and the ability of modern GPUs, achieve a visually accurate model of light. The following are aspects of light that we currently take into account during rendering.

Known Issues